Why Choose Handmade Metal Art?

As you seek the perfect furniture, wall hangings, light fixtures, and accent pieces for your home or studio, don’t overlook the boundless options of handmade metal art. Naturally, we’re biased; Doud Studios specializes in custom metal art, all forged through traditional blacksmithing techniques. Yet there are some clear benefits to selecting handmade metal wall art, custom made metal tables, rather than mass-produced generic items.

It’s Easy to Care For

One reason to choose custom metal coffee tables or metal lighting is that it requires little upkeep. While something that’s made of wood may necessitate a little more maintenance, metal pieces are made to be durable—and if you do choose to give them a patina, patina care is also very simple.

It Goes in Any Space

It’s rare to find a room where metal furniture sticks out; one of the virtues of metal designs is that they can adapt to almost any environment you put them in.

Handmade Metal Art Pieces are Totally Unique

There’s nothing cookie-cutter or mass-produced about metal pieces that are carefully, patiently forged in the blacksmith’s fire. Even items that are made in a series come with their own unique quirks and distinctions.

You’ll Be Connected to History

The pieces we make at Doud Studios are produced to have a contemporary allure, yet they’re also crafted using traditional forging methods—including blacksmith techniques that have been refined over centuries. In other words, our handmade metal wall art and custom-made metal tables come with a deep sense of rootedness.

There are So Many Options to Choose From

Handmade metal art knows no bounds. In today's market, you can find a vast variety of metal furniture and art pieces to choose from - including:

These are just some of the reasons why it makes sense to connect with custom furniture builders, blacksmiths, and other purveyors of handmade metal artwork. We invite you to connect with us today: Explore our online shop to see the latest handmade metal tables, or reach out to Doud Studios directly with any questions.